ProOptiMA Lab

Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Plenary Lecture Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design (FOCAPD) 2024 “Towards the Development of Digital Twin for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing” Breckenridge Colorado, July 2024.
Lindsay Lecture Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University “Big Data, AI, Machine Learning: Process Systems Engineering Challenges and Opportunities” April 2024.
Invited Lecture 3rd Process System Engineering (PSE) - State of the Art Workshop “Advancing Sustainable Circular Economy through Process Systems Engineering Approaches” Hangzhou, China, April 2024.
Invited seminar Chemical Engineering Department PennState “Advancing Sustainable Circular Economy through Process Systems Engineering Approaches”, April 2024.
Invited seminar Scholl of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Georgia Tech “Navigating the New Digital Landscape using Process Systems Engineering Tools”, April 2024.
IFPAC 2024 Keynote Lecture “Towards a Digital Twin in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Are we there yet?”, Bethesda, MD, March 2024
Invited seminar Chemical Engineering Department University of Florida. “Big Data and Digitization: How Process Systems Engineering can contribute”, January 2024.
Dat Huynh, and Marianthi Ierapetritou “Integrated Ex-Ante Life Cycle Assessment and Techno-economic Analysis of Biomass Conversion Technologies Featuring Evolving Environmental Policies”. Foundations of Computer Aided Process Design (FOCAPD 2024), Breckenridge, Colorado, USA. July 14-18, 2024.
Zhifei Yuliu, Yuqing, Marianthi Ierapetritou “Design of Plastic Waste Chemical Recycling Process Considering Uncertainty”. Foundations of Computer Aided Process Design (FOCAPD 2024), Breckenridge, Colorado, USA. July 14-18, 2024.
Ching-Mei Wen, and Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Optimizing the Sugar Beet-to-Isopropanol Supply Chain: A Model Development with Emphasis on CO2 Utilization Biotechnology” Foundations of Computer Aided Process Design (FOCAPD 2024), Breckenridge, Colorado, USA. July 14-18, 2024.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Keynote Lecture 2023 PharmSci 360, AAPS, “Process Modelling and Digital Twin Development for Bioprocessing of mAbs”, Orlando, Florida, October 2023.
Invited panelist and plenary lecturer, “Digital applications in mAb manufacturing – the research frontier in the US”, Bio Japan, October 2023.
Invited Lecture University of Tokyo, “Process Systems Engineering in an Area of Big Data and AI: Challenges and Opportunities, October 2023.
Invited Lecture National Technical University of Athens, “Process Systems Engineering in an Area of Big Data and AI: Challenges and Opportunities, October 2023.
FOCAPO/CPC 2023 Keynote Lecture “Feasibility/Flexibility-based Optimization for Process Design and Operations”, San Antonio, TX, January 2023.
Invited Lecture Oklahoma State University “Data Revolution and Process Systems Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities”, January 2023.
Ching-Mei Wen, Marianthi Ierapetritou, Eleftherios Papoutsakis. "Graph-Based Multi-Objective Flux Balance Analysis: A Novel Framework for Determining Optimal Weights in Multi-Objective Functions" Paper: 373h, Session: Applied Math for Metabolic and Bioreactor Systems, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2023.
Dat Huynh, Marianthi Ierapetritou, Dionisios Vlachos. "Optimal Biomass Conversion Technology Investments Considering Uncertainty and Environmental Policy" Paper: 393f, Session: Sustainable Process Synthesis, Design, and Intensification, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2023.
Katherine Raudenbush, Jayanth Reddy, Luisa Attfield, Pavlos Kotidis, Omkar Kedge, Shivam Barodiya, Gary Finka, Giulia Marchese, Ou Yang, Sameer Talwar, Zhonghe Hu, Marianthi Ierapetritou. "Development of a Computational Methodology for the Prediction of mAb Produced by CHO Cell Clones in Large Scale Bioreactors" Paper: 653e, Session: Predictive Scale-Up/Scale-Down for Pharmaceuticals and Biopharmaceuticals #1, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2023.
Nikola Malinov, Jayanth Reddy, Eleftherios Papoutsakis, Marianthi Ierapetritou. "A Dynamic Metabolic Flux Analysis (DMFA) Model for the Production of Monoclonal Antibodies in CHO Cell Perfusion Culture" Paper 458f, Session: Next-Gen Manufacturing in Pharma, Food, and Bioprocessing I, AICHE Annual Meeting, Orlando FL, November 2023.
Jayanth Venkatarama Reddy, Sumit Kumar SIngh, Thomas Leibiger, Eleftherios Terry Papoutsakis and Marianthi Ierapetritou. "Insights into the effect of bioreactor pH on Chinese Hamster Ovary cell Metabolism and Site-specific N-linked glycosylation of VRC01 mAb" Paper: 511e Session: Engineering Cells, Culture Conditions, and Cell-Free Production for Desired Biomanufacturing Targets, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2023.
Jayanth Venkatarama Reddy, Eleftherios Terry Papoutsakis and Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Modeling the effect of Bioreactor pH on Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Metabolism and Site-Specific N-linked Glycosylation of VRC01 mAbs” Paper: 660g Session: Process models for drug substance, drug product, and biopharmaceuticals Part 2. AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2023.
Chaoying Ding, Christopher Gerberich, Marianthi Ierapetritou. "Hybrid Model Development for Parameter Estimation and Process Optimization of Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography" Paper: 468b, Session: Computational and Analytical Tools for Efficient Biomanufacturing, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2023.
Yuqing, Marianthi Ierapetritou. "Design and Optimization of Modular Biorefinery Supply Chain Under Uncertainty" Paper: 400g, Session: Design and Operations Under Uncertainty, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2023.
Arnav Mittal, Souryadeep Bhattacharyya, Matthew Marino, Tai-Ying Chen, Pierre Desir, Marianthi Ierapetritou, Dionisios Vlachos. “Effect of Scale-up on Mass Transfer and Flow Patterns in Liquid-Liquid Flows using Experiments and Computations” Paper 693h, Session: Multi-scale Modeling, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2023.
Oluwadare Badejo, Borja Hernandez, Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Designing a Sustainable Supply Chain for Polyolefins Waste Management,” Paper:15a Session: CAST Director's Student Presentation Award Finalists (Invited Talks), AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2023.
Oluwadare Badejo, Borja Hernandez, Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Supply Chain Optimization for Plastic Upcycling Considering Economic and Environmental Indicators," Paper: 9319, Session: Sustainability and the Environment, World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE11), Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2023.
Borja Hernández, Dionisios Vlachos, and Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Optimal design of refineries for low-density polyethylene (LDPE) waste upcycling”, ESCAPE 33, Athens, Greece, June 2023.
Yuqing Luo, Zhaoxing Wang, Prahalad Srinivasan, Dionisios G. Vlachos and Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Process Design and Bayesian Optimization of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural Hydrodeoxygenation”, ESCAPE 33, Athens, Greece, June 2023.
Oluwadare Badejo, Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Supply Chain Optimization Considering Disruption Demand Uncertainty” ESCAPE 33, Athens, Greece, June 2023.
Katherine Raudenbush, Jayanth Reddy, Shivam Barodiya, Omkar Kedge, Eleftherios Papoutsakis, Marianthi Ierapetritou. "Predicting the Effect of Gradients on Cell Culture Performance in Small and Large-Scale Bioreactors" Poster: 124. Cell Culture Engineering XVIII, Cancun, Mexico, April 2023.
Chaoying Ding, Hiren Ardeshna, Christopher Gillespie, Marianthi Ierapetritou. "Process Design of a Fully Integrated Continuous Biopharmaceutical Process using Economic and Ecological Impact Assessment" Poster: post238s1, CCE XVIII Conference, Cancun, Mexico, April 2023.
Yuqing Luo, and Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Surrogate-based Optimization of a Flexible Integrated Biorefinery”, FOCAPO/CPC, San Antonio, TX, January 2023.
Oluwadare Badejo, Borja Hernandez, and Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Optimal Design of Supply Chain for Plastic Upcycling Considering Economic and Environmental Indicators” FOCAPO/CPC, San Antonio, TX, January 2023.
Yuqing Luo, Yuan E. Liu, Aikaterini Anastasopoulou, and Marianthi Ierapetritou “Environmental and Economic Analysis of the Polyethylene Terephthalate Production from Biomass-based p-Xylene” FOCAPO/CPC, San Antonio, TX, January 2023.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
PSE 2022 Keynote Lecture “PSE tools and challenges in the development of advanced pharmaceutical manufacturing”, Kyoto, Japan, June 2022.
PSE Asia Invited Speaker “Data Revolution and Process Systems Engineering - Challenges and Opportunities” Indian Institute of Technology Madras, December 2022.
Invited presentation in honor of Prof. Gintaras Reklaitis 80th birthday Paper #259 “Process Systems Engineering in the Era of Big-Data and Industry 4.0 Revolution”, Boston, MA, November 2021.
2022 Richard S.H. Mah Lectures on Modeling and Computation in Chemical Engineering, Northwestern University, December 2022.
Invited talk on Digital twin in Pharmaceutical manufacturing, Pharmaceutical Workshop, Rutgers September 22nd, 2022.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Invited presentation in honor of Prof. Venkat Venkatasubramanian’s 65th birthday Paper #259 “Process Systems Engineering in the Era of Big-Data and Industry 4.0 Revolution”, Boston, MA, November 2021.
Invited presentation in memory of Prof. Floudas Paper #212d “Data-Based Process Systems Methods and Applications”, Boston, MA, November 2021.
Invited Lecture Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota, December 7th, 2021.
Invited talk Vertex Pharmaceuticals, September 22nd, 2021.
Invited Lecture IFPAC 2021, Continuous Manufacturing - Residence Time Distribution Approaches. March 3rd, 2021.
Invited talk Bernal Institute University of Limerick, Ireland. Towards a Digital Twin: Advances in Process Modeling and Integration of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, January 14th, 2021.
DB Robinson Lecture University of Alberta, Process Systems Integration Modeling and Optimization of Pharmaceutical processes. March 11th 2021.
Chaoying Ding, Marianthi Ierapetritou. "Surrogate-based Feasibility analysis for the Identification of Design Space of Multicolumn Counter-current Continuous Protein A Chromatography", Poster #160h, AIChE Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2021.
Huayu Tian, Pooja Bhalode, Sonia M. Razavi, Andres Roman-Ospino, Fernando Muzzio, Marianthi Ierapetritou "Development of RTD-Based Flowsheet Modeling Including Process Uncertainty for Continuous Solid-Based Drug Manufacturing", Paper #308c, AIChE Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2021.
Pooja Bhalode, Sonia M Razavi, Andrés Roman-Ospino, Atul Dubey, Fernando J Muzzio, Marianthi Ierapetritou, "Data pre-treatment for meaningful analysis of residence time distribution (RTD) profiles for pharmaceutical manufacturing applications", Paper #185d, AIChE Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2021.
Pooja Bhalode, Yi Tao, Fernando J. Muzzio, Marianthi Ierapetritou "Development of discrete element method calibration approach for pharmaceutical applications", Paper #103f, AIChE Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2021.
Yuqing Luo, Marianthi Ierapetritou "Integrated Biorefinery Design Under Multi-Scale Uncertainties", Paper #23e, AIChE Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2021.
Oluwadare Badejo, Marianthi Ierapetritou "Integration of Planning and Scheduling using Data-Driven Feasibility Analysis ", Paper #476g, AIChE Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2021.
Oluwadare Badejo, Atharv Bhosekar, Marianthi Ierapetritou "Supply Chain Optimization for Modular Manufacturing with Production Feasibility Analysis Under Uncertainty", Paper #612f, AIChE Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2021.
Yingjie Chen, Shashwat Gupta, Andres Roman-Ospino, Fernando Muzzio, Marianthi Ierapetritou "Adaptive Strategies for Updating Unit Operation Models and in-Line Monitoring of Blend Uniformity in Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Process", Paper 75b, AIChE Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2021.
Luo, Y., Robert, O., Epps, T., Ierapetritou, M., Process design and techno-economic analysis of pressure-sensitive adhesive polymer production from lignin. Presentation at 25th Annual Green Chemistry Engineering Conference, June 14-18, 2021.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Towards a Digital Twin: Advances in Process Modeling and Integration of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, AAPS, PharmSci 360, Tuesday October 27, 2020.
Application of Models for Advanced Biomanufacturing Towards a Digital Twin, BPI International 2020, September 2020 (held virtually).
Process Systems Engineering in the Era of Big-Data and Industry 4.0 Revolution. University of Austin, TX, February 2020.
Process Systems Integration Modeling and Optimization of Pharmaceutical processes. University of Alberta, Fall 2020.
Digital Twin Development Framework in Pharmaceutical Industry. PharmSci Small Molecule Digital Twin Meeting, Pfizer, March 4, 2020.
Digital Twin Development Framework in Pharmaceutical Industry. Siemens/PSE, May 13th, 2020.
Bhosekar A., & Ierapetritou, M., "Integration of Modular Processing in Supply Chain Optimization”, 2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting, November 2020.
Ou Yang, Marianthi Ierapetritou "Modeling CHO Cell Glycosylation Process Using Dynamic Kriging", Paper #498d, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2020.
Michael Abramovitch and Marianthi Ierapetritou “Responsible Innovation in Chemical Process Design: Stakeholder-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization of a Modular Food Waste Valorization Process”, Paper #486a, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2020.
Pooja Bhalode, Marianthi Ierapetritou “A Multi-Scale Hybrid Modeling Approach for Continuous Pharmaceutical Unit Operations”, Paper #377b, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2020.
Pooja Bhalode, Yingjie Chen, and Marianthi Ierapetritou "Towards the Development of Digital Twin Framework for Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Real-Time Model Maintenance and System Analyses", Paper #195a, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2020.
Yingjie Chen and Marianthi Ierapetritou, "Implementation of Hybrid Models to Perform System Analyses with Model Maintenance in Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing", Paper #287c, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2020.
Abhay Athaley, David Sheng, and Marianthi Ierapetritou “Scalable Platform Technology for Bio-Based p-Xylene Production Using a Novel Continuous Flow Micro-Reactor", Paper #743g, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2020.
Pooja Bhalode, Nirupaplava Metta, Yingjie Chen, Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Efficient Data-based Methodology for Model Enhancement and Flowsheet Analyses for Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing”, ESCAPE 30th, Held virtually August 2020.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
The Twenty Sixth Professor Roger W.H. Sargent Lecture. Process Systems Engineering in the Era of Big-Data and Industry 4.0 Revolution, Imperial College, December 5th, 2019.
2Plenary lecture, FOCAPD 2019 Surrogate-Based Modeling and Optimization for Advanced Decision Making, Copper Mountain Resort Colorado, July 14 - 18, 2019.
2019 CPSE Seminar Series Imperial College London, invited to present at “30 Years of CPSE”, March 2019.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Fall Seminar Series, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Troy, NY, November 2019.
Fall Seminar series invited lecture, Moving towards Advanced Manufacturing of Pharmaceutics using Process Systems Engineering Approaches, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Notre Dame. October 2019.
Invited seminar. A Process Systems Engineering Perspective to Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing. Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Padova, September 2019.
Invited talk Advanced Continuous Upstream Manufacturing of Biotherapeutics. IFPAC Summit, Puerto Rico, June 2019.
Invited talk Advanced Advances of Process Modeling in Continuous Manufacturing of Solid Oral Dosage Pharmaceutical Products: Towards Industry 4.0. IFPAC Summit, Puerto Rico, June 2019
Invited Short Course on process modeling and optimization in process operations and pharmaceutical manufacturing, PLAPIQUI, Bahia Blanca, Argentina, January 2019.
Invited Seminar, A Process Systems Engineering Perspective to Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, PLAPIQUI, Bahia Blanca, Argentina, January 2019.
2nd Process System Engineering (PSE) - State of the Art Workshop, Invited talk A Surrogate Model Based Decision Making Framework, Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit, México, 27-30 January, 2019.
2nd Process System Engineering (PSE) - State of the Art Workshop, Invited talk, Integration of planning, scheduling and control, Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit, México, 27-30 January, 2019.
Pooja Bhalode and Marianthi Ierapetritou, “Discrete Element Modeling (Dem) Parametric Study of Feeder Unit in Continuous Pharmaceutical Industry”, Paper#115, FOCAPD, Colorado, July 2019. 36 Curriculum Vitae – Marianthi Ierapetritou
Lisia Dias, Atharv Bhosekar and Marianthi Ierapetritou, “Data-Driven Feasibility Analysis for Modular Design under Demand Variability”, Paper#57, FOCAPD, Colorado, July 2019.
Abhay Athaley, Yue Zhang and Marianthi Ierapetritou “Design and Analysis of the Integrated Process for Algae Conversion to mix Alcohols”, Paper #82d, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2019.
Yingjie Chen and Marianthi Ierapetritou “Development of Data-Driven and Hybrid Models for Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Lines Under Industry 4.0 Framework”, Paper #259g, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2019.
Ou Yang and Marianthi Ierapetritou “Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of the Upstream Monoclonal Antibody Production” Paper #499f, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2019.
Ravendra Singh, Rohit Ramachandran, Marianthi Ierapetritou and Fernando J. Muzzio “Industry 4.0: Advanced Bi-Layer Control System for Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Pilot-Plant”, Paper #577g, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2019.
Lisia S Dias, Atharv Bhosekar and Marianthi Ierapetritou “Data-Driven Feasibility Analysis for Modular Design Under Demand Variability” Paper #635c, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2019.
Nirupaplava Metta, Marianthi Ierapetritou, Rohit Ramachandran and Atharv Bhosekar “An Efficient Data-Based Methodology to Identify the Design Space of Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes” Paper #642h, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2019.
Abhay Athaley, Yue Zhang and Marianthi Ierapetritou “Integrated Design, Analysis and Optimization of Chemical Production from Biomass Feedstocks Considering Process and Market Uncertainty” Paper #724a, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2019.
Athanasios Kritikos, Yung Wei Hsiao, Dionisios G. Vlachos, Marianthi Ierapetritou and George Tsilomelekis “Adsorption of Biomass-Derived Value-Added Chemicals in a MicroPacked-Bed Reactor a CFD Study” Paper #724a, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2019
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
CMAC Future Manufacturing Research Hub Open Day 2018 Keynote Speaker “Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Challenges and Opportunities”, October 2018.
Invited seminar Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering University of Houston “Process Systems Engineering Applications in Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing”, March 2018.
2018 Ralph Peck Lecturer, Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, “A Simulation-based Decision Making Framework”, April 2018.
Invited Special Guest Seminar, Delaware Energy Institute, “Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: A New Frontier for Process Systems Engineering”, May 2018.
Invited seminar Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University, “A Process Systems Engineering Perspective to Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing”, June 2018.
Abhay Athaley, Yue Zhang and Marianthi Ierapetritou “Optimal Bio-Refinery Configuration using Economic Metrics and Environmental Impacts considering Supply, Demand and Process Uncertainties ” Paper #395f, AIChE Annual Meeting Pittsburgh, October 2018.
Atharv Bhosekar and Marianthi Ierapetritou “Surrogate-based optimization in process systems engineering” Paper # 52f , AIChE Annual Meeting Pittsburgh, October 2018.
Atharv Bhosekar, Lisia Dias, Zilong Wang, and Marianthi Ierapetritou "Surrogate-Based Derivative-Free Optimization of a Multi-Enterprise Supply Chain Simulation" Paper #598c , AIChE Annual Meeting Pittsburgh, October 2018.
Nirupaplava Metta, Marianthi Ierapetritou and Rohit Ramachandran "Sensitivity Analysis and Identification of Feasible Region of a Wet Granulation Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Process" Paper#470g, AIChE Annual Meeting Pittsburgh, October 2018.
Ou Yang, Siddharth Prabhu and Marianthi Ierapetritou " Continuous Biopharmaceutical Antibody Production Based on Techno-Economic Analysis" Paper# 200m, AICHE Annual Meeting Pittsburgh, October 2018.
Lisia Dias and Marianthi Ierapetritou. "Integration of Planning, Scheduling and Control Using Feasibility Analysis and Surrogate Models". Paper #136c, AIChE Annual Meeting Pittsburgh, October 2018.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Invited Seminar, A Systems Perspective for Advancing Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, June 26, 2017.
Invited Seminar, A Systems Perspective for Advancing Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, UC Davis, Department of Chemical Engineering, May 18, 2017.
SOPS and I2APM Present OSD Continuous Manufacturing in the Current Regulatory Landscape, Invited participation in academic panel, May 8-9, 2017.
Invited Lecture, Christodoulos A. Floudas Memorial Symposium, A tribute to an advisor, a mentor and a friend, May 6, 2017.
Invited Seminar, REI Energy Policy Seminar, "Techno-economic and Life Cycle Analysis of Alternative Production Routes for Biomass based Chemicals" April 21, 2017.
Invited Seminar, A Systems Perspective for Advancing Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Clemson University, April 20, 2017.
Invited Seminar Office of the Vice President for Research series on Sustainability. “Process Intensification for Biomass-Based Chemical Production using Techno-economic and Life-Cycle Analysis.” Wayne State University, April 4, 2017.
Invited Seminar, A Systems Perspective for Advancing Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, IIT, March 29, 2017.
Plenary lecture on “Vertical Integration of Production Scheduling and Process Control: Progress, opportunities and challenges.” Marianthi Ierapetritou, and Lisia Dias, Rutgers University; Michael Baldea and Richard C. Pattison, The University of Texas at Austin, FOCAPO/CPC January 2017.
Escotet Espinoza, MS; Cappuyns, P; Van Assche, I; Muzzio FJ; Ierapetritou, M. “Modeling Presentation: Flowsheet and Residence Time Distribution Models in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing.” IFPAC Meeting, Washington D.C. January 2017.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Broadcast of the lecture on “Modeling for Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing” has been viewed more than 26000 times.
Keynote speaker, Decision Making Across Different Scales: From Process Control to Supply Chain Management, European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE), Slovenia, June 12-15, 2016 (Annual conference - one of 8 keynote lecturers).
Keynote speaker, Process Design and Optimization of Chemical Production from Biomass Feedstocks, SCPPE June, China, 2016. Organized every 3 years. 4th International Conference on Sustainable Chemical Product and Process Engineering (only 4 keynote speakers).
Integration of Systems Thinking in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing, Eli Lilly, May 2016.
ERC: C-SOPS capabilities towards continuous manufacturing of solid based drug products, PSE Advanced Process Modeling Forum, London, UK, April 2016 (Annual meeting).
Simulation based Optimization for Supply Chain Management, Fields Institute of Research in Mathematical Sciences, University of Toronto, March 29th 2016.
A Systems Perspective for Advancing Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Department of Chemical Engineering, Penn State University, May 5th, 2016
Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing- A New Frontier for Process Systems Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University, March 1st 2016.
A General Framework of Process Design and Evaluation of Renewable Production of Chemicals from Biomass Feedstocks, Rutgers Energy Institute, April 22nd 2016.
Athaley A., Annam P., Saha B., Ierapetritou M., Techno-economic and Life Cycle Analysis of Chemical Production from Biomass Feedstocks, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco,2016
Zilong Wang, M. Sebastian Escotet-Espinoza, Ravendra Singh, Fernando J. Muzzio and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. "Surrogate-Based Optimization Methodology for Pharmaceutical Tablet Manufacturing Processes". 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 17, 2016.
Lisia S. Dias and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Integration of Production Scheduling and Model Predictive Control Under Process Uncertainties, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 2016.
Escotet Espinoza, MS; Vadodaria, S; Muzzio FJ; Ierapetritou, M. “Correlations of Unit Operation Models to Raw Material Properties: Moving Towards In silico Modeling of Drug Product Manufacturing.” AAPS Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado. November 2016.
Zilong Wang, M. Sebastian Escotet-Espinoza, Ravendra Singh, Fernando J. Muzzio and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. "Feasibility Analysis of Flowsheet Models in Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes Considering the Effects of Noise". 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 14, 2016.
Andrés D. Román-Ospino, Ravendra Singh, Marianthi Ierapetritou, Rohit Ramachandran, Carlos Ortega, Rafael Méndez, Rodolfo J. Romañach. Development of Calibration Models for Real Time Prediction of Powder Density by Near Infrared Spectroscopy, IFPAC, Arlington, VA, January 2016.
Ravendra Singh, Fernando J. Muzzio, Marianthi Ierapetritou, Rohit Ramachandran. Combined feedforward/feedback control and automation of direct compaction continuous pharmaceutical tablet manufacturing plant. IFPAC, Arlington, VA, January 2016.
Jin Maeda, Ravendra Singh, Marianthi Ierapetritou. Real-time monitoring and control of API concentration in a tablet press for continuous manufacturing of tablets. IFPAC, Arlington, VA, January 2016.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: A New Frontier for Process Systems Engineering, Princeton University, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, September 30th, 2015.
Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: A New Frontier for Process Systems Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Chemical Engineering, September 24th, 2015.
Keynote Speaker “Decision Making Across Different Scales: From Process Control to Supply Chain Management”, 3rd Olympus International Conference on Supply Chains, Athens, Greece, November 7-8, 2015.
Keynote speaker at Division of Particulate Preparations and Design (PPD) of The Society of Powder Technology, Japan (SPTJ), Annual Symposium, October 22-23, 2015.
Webinar AIChE CAST Division, Modeling for Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Marianthi Ierapetritou, May 19, 2015, 11 AM EDT, Announcement: http://goo.gl/QMWdjD.
Decision Making Across Different Scales: From Process Control to Supply Chain Management, McMaster Advanced Control Consortium (MACC) Workshop, May 12-14, 2015.
Keynote Speaker, Modeling and Optimization of Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes, PSE2015/ESCAPE25, Copenhagen, May 31-June 4, 2015.
Taking Continuous Processing from Good to Great: The Application of Advanced Process Controls and Real-Time Analytics. 50th AAPS Arden Conference: Continuous Manufacturing of Solid Oral Drug Products, Baltimore, March 16-18, 2015.
A general framework of process design and evaluation of renewable production of chemicals from biomass feedstocks, QAFCO-Texas A&M at Qatar Conference 2015.
Jinjun Zhuge and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. An Integrated Framework for Scheduling and Control Using Fast Model Predictive Control, AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Nov 2015, Paper 647a.
M. Sebastian Escotet-Espinoza, Ravendra Singh, Eric Jayjock, Aditya Vanarase, Fernando J. Muzzio, Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Characterization and Modeling of Feeders: A Critical Component in Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing.” AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2015, Paper 572a.
Charles J. Foster, M. Sebastian Escotet-Espinoza, Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Modeling Mixing of Cohesive Particulate Systems in Rotating Cylinders using Discrete Element Modeling (DEM).” AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2015, Paper 479a.
M. Sebastian Escotet-Espinoza, Zilong Wang, Marianthi Ierapetritou, Fernando J. Muzzio. “ERC-SOPS - a Pre-Competitive Model for Strategically-Driven Research and Technology Development and Commercialization.” AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2015, Paper 228f.
Zilong Wang, M. Sebastian Escotet-Espinoza, Ravendra Singh, Fernando J. Muzzio and Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Flowsheet Modeling for Oral Solid Drug Product Manufacturing.” AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2015, Paper 697b.
Ravendra Singh, M. Sebastian Escotet-Espinoza, Shishir Vadodaria, Jun Zhang, Fernando J. Muzzio, Rohit Ramachandran and Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Dynamic Modeling and Advanced Control of Tablet Press.” AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2015, Paper 697f.
Zilong Wang, M. Sebastian Escotet-Espinoza, Ravendra Singh, Fernando J. Muzzio and Marianthi Ierapetritou, Surrogate-based Optimization for Oral Solid Drug Product Manufacturing, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Nov 2015, MD12, Cluster: Surrogate-Based and Derivative-Free Optimization II.
Nihar Sahay and Marianthi Ierapetritou. Multi-Criteria Decision Making Supplier Selection and Auction Based Procurement in Supply Chain Management. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2015, Paper 234e.
Nihar Sahay and Marianthi Ierapetritou. Surrogate Based Derivative Free Optimization Methodology for Supply Chain Management. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2015, Paper 508a.
Parham Farzan, Marianthi Ierapetritou. “Simulation of Biopharmaceutical Bioreactor Using an Integrated CFD-Population Balance Modeling Approach.” AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2015, Paper 652f.
Ravendra Singh, Fernando J. Muzzio, Marianthi Ierapetritou, Rohit Ramachandran. Implementation of Advanced Multilayer Plant-Wide Control Architecture into a Direct Compaction Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Process. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2015, Paper 183d.
Jun Zhang, Frances Pereira, Ravendra Singh, Sean Bermingham, Rohit Ramachandran, Fernando J. Muzzio, Marianthi Ierapetritou. A Systematic Approach of Using Material Properties Data for Pharmaceutical Process Simulation. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2015, Paper 721b.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Challenges and opportunities in pharmaceutical manufacturing modeling and optimization, BMS, Syracuse, March 2014.
Plenary talk, Challenges and Opportunities in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Modeling and Optimization, 8th International Conference on Foundation of Computer-Aided Process Design (FOCAPD) 2014 (organized every 4 years, 8 plenary talks), Cle Elum, Washington.
Sebastian Escotet-Espinoza, Amanda Rogers, Fernando J. Muzzio, and Marianthi Ierapetritou. Modeling of Residence Time Distribution in Continuous Solid Oral Dose Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Nov 2014, Paper 668c.
Jinjun Zhuge and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Integration of Scheduling and Control Using Fast MPC, AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Nov 2014, Paper 697e
Nihar Sahay and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Assessing Flexibility and Risk in Supply Chains Using Hybrid Simulation Based Optimization, AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 2014, Paper 655a
Nihar Sahay, Marianthi G. Ierapetritou and John Wassick. Agent Based Simulations for Synchronous and Asynchronous Decision Making Strategies in Supply Chains, AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 2014, Paper 632d.
Zhaojia Lin,Vladimiros Nikolakis, and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou, A Techno-Economic Analysis of the Renewable Production of Phthalic Anhydride, AICHE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 2014, Paper 307a.
Zhaojia Lin,Vladimiros Nikolakis, and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou, A Life Cycle Assessment on the Renewable p-Xylene Production, AICHE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 2014, Paper 196a.
Ravendra Singh, Abhishek Sahay, Fernando Muzzio, Marianthi G. Ierapetritou, Rohit Ramachandran. Plant-wide advanced hybrid model predictive closed-loop control of continuous pharmaceutical tablet manufacturing pilot-plant for QbD based manufacturing, AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 2014, Paper 739c.
Ravendra Singh, Maitraye Sen, Fernando Muzzio, Marianthi G. Ierapetritou, Rohit Ramachandran. Integrated dynamic real time optimization and advanced hybrid MPC-PID control of direct compaction continuous tablet manufacturing process, AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 2014, Paper 668e.
Ravendra Singh, Abhishek Sahay, Krizia M. Karry, Maitraye Sen, Fernando Muzzio, Marianthi G. Ierapetritou, Rohit Ramachandran. Advanced hybrid MPC-PID based closed-loop control of continuous pharmaceutical tablet manufacturing pilot-plant, IFPAC, Arlington, VA (Washington DC), January 2014.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Process Systems Approaches to Design of Pharmaceutical Products and Processes, Imperial College, London, April 2013.
Design and Optimization of Pharmaceutical Products and Processes: Challenges and Opportunities, Technical University of Denmark, April 2013.
Design and Optimization of Pharmaceutical Products and Processes: Challenges and Opportunities, ETH, Zurich, March 2013.
Challenges and Opportunities in Addressing Problems of High Complexity in Process Industry, ETH, Zurich, March 2013.
Process Operation and Effects of Uncertainty in Decision Making. Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, January 2013.
Jinjun Zhuge and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. On-Line Integration of Scheduling and Control Using Mp-MPC, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 2013, Paper 696c.
Nihar Sahay and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Centralized vs. Decentralized Supply Chain Management Optimization, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 2013, Paper 518a.
Nihar Sahay, Nikisha Shah and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Efficient Heuristic Algorithm for Short-Term Scheduling of Large-Scale Oil Refinery Operations, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 2013, Paper 755c.
Ravendra Singh, Abhishek Sahay, Paul Brodbeck, Marianthi G. Ierapetritou, Rohit Ramachandran. Implementation of advanced hybrid MPC-PID control system into a continuous pharmaceutical tablet manufacturing pilot-plant, AIChE annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, November, 2013, paper 404e.
Ravendra Singh, Abhishek Sahay, Marianthi G. Ierapetritou, Rohit Ramachandran. Design of an efficient control system for flexible continuous tablet manufacturing process, AIChE annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, November, 2013, paper 586o.
Amanda Rogers and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Dynamic Reduced-Order Modeling of Particulate Systems for Pharmaceutical Unit Operations. AIChE Annual Meting, San Fransisco, November 2013. Paper 120f.
Amanda Rogers, Marianthi G. Ierapetritou and Chaitali Inamdar. (586r) Simulation and Global Sensitivity Analysis of Pharmaceutical Processes for Solid Drug Manufacture. AIChE Annual Meting, San Fransisco, November 2013. Paper 586r.
Zhaojia Lin, Vladimiros Nikolakis and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. A Techno-Economic Comparison of the Biobased p-Xylene Production, AICHE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 2013, Paper 412d.
Ravendra Singh, Fani Boukouvala, Eric Jayjock, Marianthi G. Ierapetritou, Fernando Muzzio, Rohit Ramachandran. Optimal operation and advanced control of a flexible multipurpose continuous pharmaceutical tablet manufacturing process, IFPAC, Baltimore, MD, Jan 2013.
Ravendra Singh, Marianthi G. Ierapetritou, Rohit Ramachandran. Hybrid advanced control of a flexible multipurpose continuous pharmaceutical tablet manufacturing process via direct compaction, ESCAPE 23, Finland, 9 – 12 June, 2013.
Shuliang Zhang, Linda J. Broadbelt, Ioannis P. Androulakis, and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Reactive flow simulation based on automated mechanism generation and onthe-fly mechanism reduction: a demonstrative study, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 2013, Paper 27d.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Integration of Scheduling with Control and the Effects of Uncertainty in Short Term Decisions. International Seminar of Planning and Scheduling, Rio de Janeiro, Oct 2012.
Process simulation and Optimization of Pharmaceutical Processes. University of Connecticut, March 2012.
Optimization of Process Design and Operations of Pharmaceutical Systems. Columbia University, March 2012.
Yijie Gao, Alberto M. Cuitino, Ben J. Glasser, Fernando J. Muzzio, Marianthi G. Ierapetritou, Jean W. Beeckman, Natalie A. Fassbender, William G. Borghard. Determination of Residence Time Distribution in Rotary Calciner, AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh PA, October 2012, Paper 521b.
Jinjun Zhuge and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Integrated Scheduling and Control for Multiproduct Continuous and Batch Processes, AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, October 2012, Paper 368e.
Fnu Nihar and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Supply Chain Management Optimization Using a Hybrid Simulation Based Optimization Approach, AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, October 2012, Paper 723a.
Shuliang Zhang, Ioannis P. Androulakis, and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. A Hybrid Scheme for Kinetic Mechanism Reduction Based On the On-the-Fly Reduction and Quasi-SteadyState Approximation, AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2012, Paper 376b.
Singh, R., Ierapetritou, M., Ramachandran, R. Design and implementation of an efficient control system in a continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing process via roller compaction. Oral presentation at AIChE annual meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October 28th -November 2nd, 2012
Singh, R., Ierapetritou, M., Ramachandran, R. Plant-wide hybrid model predictive control of a continuous pharmaceutical tablet manufacturing process via direct compaction. Oral presentation at AIChE annual meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October 28th - November 2nd, 2012.
Zhaojia Lin, Vladimiros Nikolakis and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Economic Analysis of the Production of p-Xylene from 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural, AICHE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, November 2012, Paper 195d.
Fani Boukouvala, Vasilis Niotis, Rohit Ramachandran, Fernando J. Muzzio and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou, Invited talk: Dynamic Flowsheet Modeling Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, International Forum of Process Analytical Technology (IFPAC), Baltimore, January 2012.
Fani Boukouvala and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Simulation-Based Derivative-Free Optimization for Computationally Expensive Functions, AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, October 2012, Paper 463g.
Fani Boukouvala, Fernando J. Muzzio and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. From Experimental Data to Building Integrated Dynamic Flowsheet Models for Pharmaceutical Processes, AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, October 2012, Paper 146c.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Computer-aided design and analysis of continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing processes, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, October 2011.
Dynamic flowsheet simulation of integrated continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing processes. 5th International Graz Congress on Pharmaceutical Engineering, Graz, Austria, September 2011
Qian Yang, Mehmet A. Orman, Francois Berthiaume, Marianthi G. Ierapetritou and Ioannis (Yannis) P. Androulakis. Expression Profile Analysis Following Cecal Ligation and Puncture (CLP) Treatment In Rat Liver, AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 2011, Paper 625l.
Shuliang Zhang, Ioannis P. Androulakis, Marianthi G. Ierapetritou and Linda J. Broadbelt Comparison of Performances for Diesel Fuels and Biodiesel In HCCI Engine Using Detailed Mechanism with On-the-Fly Reduction, AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 2011, Paper 608b.
Yijie Gao, Fani Boukouvala, Fernando. J Muzzio and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Multivariate Analysis and Reduced Order Modeling Based On Discrete Element Method (DEM) Simulations for a Powder Blender. AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 2011, Paper 621c.
Fani Boukouvala, Vasilis Niotis, Lukasz Mioduszewski, Aditya U. Vanarase, Rohit Ramachandran, Fernando. J Muzzio and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Dynamic Flowsheet Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 2011, Paper 68d.
Jinjun Zhuge and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Integration of Scheduling and Control with Closed Loop Implementation. AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 2011, Paper 475b.
Yijie Gao, Fernando. J Muzzio and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Scaling up Strategy for Continuous Powder Mixing Process. AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 2011, Paper 754f.
Yijie Gao, Fernando. J Muzzio and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Optimizing Continuous Powder Mixing Processes Using Periodic Section Modeling. AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 2011, Paper 506d.
Nikisha Shah and Marianthi Ierapetritou. Integrated Planning and Scheduling of Multisite Production and Distribution Facilities. AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 2011, Paper 614d.
Atul Dubey, Fani Boukouvala, Golshid Keyvan, Richard Hsia, Kostas Saranteas, Dean Brone, Tushar Misra, Marianthi Ierapetritou and Fernando. J Muzzio. A QbD Approach to Improve Tablet Coating Uniformity. AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 2011, Paper 202f.
Mehmet A. Orman, John Mattick, Marianthi G. Ierapetritou, Ioannis P. Androulakis and Francois Berthiaume. Metabolic Response of Perfused Livers to Various Oxygenation Conditions. AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 2011, Paper 197e.
Fani Boukouvala and Marianthi G. Ierapetritou. Simulation Based Optimization of Expensive Flowsheet Models for Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing. AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 2011, Paper 735e.
Qian Yang, Mehmet A. Orman, Francois Berthiaume, Marianthi G. Ierapetritou and Ioannis (Yannis) P. Androulakis. Short-Term Hepatic Gene Expression Profiling Following Thermal Injury. AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 2011, Paper 692h.
Shah, N.K., and M.G. Ierapetritou. Integrated production planning and scheduling optimization of multi-site, multi-product process industry. ESCAPE 21, Greece, May 2011.
Boukouvala, F., R. Ramachandran, A. Vanarase, F.J. Muzzio, and M. G. Ierapetritou. Computer Aided Design and Analysis of Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes. ESCAPE 21, Greece, May 2011.
Boukouvala, F., F.J. Muzzio, and M. G. Ierapetritou. Feasibility Analysis of Black- Box Processes Using an Adaptive Sampling Kriging Based Method. ESCAPE 21, Greece, May 2011.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Systems Approaches to Analyze Complex Engineering Problems. Illinois Institute of technology, April 2010.
Going from Simple to Complex and back to Simple: The process systems paradigm. Imperial College, London, March 2010.
Shah, N., and M.G. Ierapetritou. Decomposition Framework for Scheduling of Refinery Operations including Logistics. AIChE Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, November 2010, Paper 434a.
Shah, N., and M.G. Ierapetritou. Integrated Production Planning and Scheduling of MultiSite Batch Plants. AIChE Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, November 2010, Paper 496e.
Gao, Y., F.J. Muzzio and M.G. Ierapetritou. Periodic Section Modeling of Convective Continuous Powder Mixing Processes. AIChE Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, November 2010, Paper 409b.
Boukouvala, F., F.J. Muzzio, and M. G. Ierapetritou. Design Space of Pharmaceutical Processes Using Data-Driven Based Methods. AIChE Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, November 2010, Paper 108b.
Boukouvala, F., F.J. Muzzio, and M. G. Ierapetritou. Application of Kriging for Dynamic Data-Driven Modeling of Pharmaceutical Processes. AIChE Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, November 2010, Paper 636d.
Gao, Y., F.J. Muzzio and M.G. Ierapetritou. Characterization of Feeder Effects On Continuous Powder Mixing Using Fourier Series Analysis. AIChE Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, November 2010, Paper 444d.
He, K., I.P. Androulakis, and M. Ierapetritou. Numerical Investigation of Advanced Engine Combustion with CFD and Detailed Chemical Kinetics Using On-the-Fly Reduction. AIChE Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, November 2010, Paper 425f.
Orman, M.A., I.P. Androulakis, F. Berthiaume, and M.G. Ierapetritou. Metabolic Flux Determination in Perfused Livers by Mass Balance Analysis: Effect of Fasting. AIChE Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, November 2010, Paper 504g.
Li, Z., and M. Ierapetritou. Rolling Horizon Based Planning and Scheduling Integration with Production Capacity Consideration. . Salt Lake City, November 2010, Paper 298f.
Li, Z., and M. Ierapetritou. Global Optimization of a Class of Large Scale Process Operations Problem through Dual Decomposition. AIChE Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, November 2010, Paper 78e.
Yang, Q., M.A. Orman, F. Berthiaume, M. Ierapetritou, and I.P. Androulakis. Gene Expression Profiling of Short- and Long-Term Changes in Rat Liver Following Burn Injury and CLP Treatment. AIChE Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, November 2010, Paper 281b.
Orman, M.A., I.P. Androulakis, M.G. Ierapetritou, F. Berthiaume. Short and Long-Term Changes in Circulatory Protein and Cytokine Profiles Following Burn and CLP Treatments. AIChE Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, November 2010, Paper 667e.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Keynote lecture, Integration of Planning and Scheduling and Consideration of Uncertainty in Process Operations. 20th International Symposium of Process Systems Engineering (PSE), Brazil, August 2009.
Systems approaches for analyzing complex process engineering problems. Carnegie Mellon University, March 2009.
Orman, M.A., F. Berthiaume, I.P. Androulakis, and M.G. Ierapetritou. Optimization Based Pathway Analysis to Elucidate the Effects of Burn Injury On the Hepatic Metabolism. AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, November 2009, Paper 283d.
Ye, M., R. McCann, G. Fong, A. Giridhar, I. Hamdan, A.U. Vanarase, W.E. Engisch Jr., M.G. Ierapetritou, F.J. Muzzio, G. Reklaitis and J. Litster. The Development of Continuous Table Manufacturing Process Using Roller Compaction. AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, November 2009, Paper 201e.
Shah, N., and M.G. Ierapetritou. Scheduling of Oil-Refinery Operations with Logistic Details. AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, November 2009, Paper 385d.
Yang, H., C.M. Roth, and M.G. Ierapetritou, Analysis of Amino Acids Supplementation in Hepatocyte Culture using Optimization Modeling, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, November 2009, Paper 235e.
Li, Z. and M.G. Ierapetritou. Production planning and scheduling integration through augmented Lagrangian optimization. AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, Nov. 2009, paper 423c.
Li, Z. and M.G. Ierapetritou. A new method for general parametric linear complementarity problem. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, Oct. 2009.
Boukouvala, F., M.G. Ierapetritou and F. J. Muzzio. Predictive Modeling of Pharmaceutical Processes with Missing and Noisy Data. AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, Nov 2009, paper 593e.
Gao, Y., A.U. Vanarase, F.J. Muzzio and M.G. Ierapetritou. Characterizing Continuous Powder Mixing Using Residence Time Distribution. AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville TN, Nov 2009, paper 201c.
He, K., I.P. Androulakis, and M.G. Ierapetritou. A multi-element flux analysis for the incorporation of detailed kinetic mechanisms in reactive simulations. AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, Nov 2009, paper 54c.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Analysis of complex reaction networks using mathematical programming approaches Pan American Advanced Studies Institute Program on Process Systems Engineering (PASI), Mar Del Plata, Argentina, August 2008.
Systems Approaches for Analyzing Complex Process Engineering Problems. Princeton University, February 2008.
Davis, E. and M.G. Ierapetritou. A Kriging Optimization Algorithm Incorporating Efficient Sampling for Problems Containing Black-Box Models. AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Nov 2008, paper 198f.
Li, Z., and M.G. Ierapetritou. A New Methodology for Integrated Planning and Scheduling Using Multi-Level Optimization. AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Nov 2008, paper 498a.
Smith, B.V. and M.G. Ierapetritou. A Framework for Generating An Optimal Set of Robust Product Design Alternatives. AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Nov 2008, paper 697a.
Shah, N., G. Saharidis, Z. Jia, and M.G. Ierapetritou. Centralized – Decentralized Optimization for Refinery Scheduling. AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Nov 2008, paper 448a.
Yang, H., C.M. Roth, and M.G. Ierapetritou. Effects of Hormone and Amino Acid Supplementation In Optimal Liver Specific Functions of Hepatocytes. AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Nov 2008, paper 300e.
Jia, Z., E. Davis, F. Muzzio, and M.G. Ierapetritou. Predictive Modeling for Mixing and Feeding Processes Using Kriging Approach. AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Nov 2008, paper 360c.
Iyer, V., C.M. Roth, and M.G. Ierapetritou. Effects of Glucose and Insulin Levels on HepG2 Cell Metabolism. AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Nov 2008, paper 66b.
He, K., I.P. Androulakis and M.G. Ierapetritou. On-the-Fly Reduction of Kinetic Mechanisms Using Element Flux Analysis. AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Nov 2008, paper 79e.
Portillo, P.M., A. Ingram, J. K. Seville, M.G. Ierapetritou, F. J. Muzzio. Analysis of Operating Conditions of a Continuous Powder Mixer Using PEPT. AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Nov 2008, paper 638f.
Portillo, P.M., A. Vanarase, M.G. Ierapetritou, F. J. Muzzio. Effects of Rotation Rate, Mixing Angle, and Cohesion In Two Continuous Powder Mixers – a Statistical Approach. AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Nov 2008, paper 134g.
Ovacik, M.A., M.G. Ierapetritou, P.G. Georgopoulos, W. Welsh, and I.P. Androulakis Indirect Response Model of Arsenic Exposure on Gene Expression. AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Nov 2008, paper 565b.
Shah, N., G. Saharidis, Z. Jia, and M.G. Ierapetritou. Centralized-Decentralized Optimization for Refinery Scheduling. Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations (FOCAPO), Paper # 92, Cambridge, MA, June, 2008.
Li, Z. and M.G. Ierapetritou. Robust Scheduling Optimization. Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations (FOCAPO), Paper # 84, Cambridge, MA, June, 2008.
Foteinou, P.T., E. Yang, G.K Saharidis, M.G. Ierapetritou and I.P. Androulakis, A Mixed Integer Optimization Algorithm to Reverse Engineer Transcriptional Regulatory Networks, Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on the Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations, Paper #83, Cambridge, MA, June 2008.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Process Systems Engineering Across Different Scales. Rice University, November 2007.
Analysis of Complex Kinetic Networks Using Systems Approaches. Lehigh University, March 2007.
Mathematical programming techniques to analyze complex reaction networks. CCNY, May 2007.
He, K., I.P. Androulakis and M.G. Ierapetritou. A Graph-Based Approach for Developing Adaptive Representations of Complex Reaction Mechanisms, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2007, paper 528c.
Li, Z., and M.G. Ierapetritou. A Novel Multiparametric Programming Framework and Its Application in Scheduling Under Uncertainty. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2007, paper 468b.
Davis, E. and M.G. Ierapetritou. A New Approach to MINLP Containing Noisy Variables and Black-Box Functions. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2007, paper 275c.
Portillo, P, M. G. Ierapetritou, and F. Muzzio. Experimental Study and Computational Modeling of Continuous Powder Mixing Processes. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2007, paper 409c.
Ovacik, M.A., M.G. Ierapetritou, B. Sen, S. Euling, P.G. Georgopoulos, W. Welsh, K. Gaido, I.P. Androulakis. Toxicogenomics Analysis Following in Utero Exposure to DiButyl-Phthalate. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2007, paper 370b.
Guzikowski, S.A., M. G. Ierapetritou, and C.M. Roth Metabolic Analysis of Xenobiotic Interactions In Hepatocytes. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2007, paper 560b.
Yang, H., C.M. Roth, and M.G. Ierapetritou. Effects of Amino Acid Supplementation In Optimal Liver Specific Functions Of Hepatocytes. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2007, paper 598d.
Sacharidis, G.C. and M. G. Ierapetritou. New Algorithm for Mixed Integer Linear BiLevel Programming. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2007, paper 275f.
Ierapetritou, M.G., C. Georgakis, Z. Jia, F. Lima, Similarities and Differences between The Concepts Of Operability And Flexibility. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov 2007, paper 288a.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Uncertainty in Process Scheduling using Parametric Programming. INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Science), 2006.
Frameworks for Analyzing Complex Networks from Combustion to Metabolism: Effects of Uncertainty, MIT, March 2006.
A Systems Approach for Analyzing Complex Processes. University of Massachusetts at Amherst, March 2006.
Mathematical Programming as a tool for Learning. Tufts University, May 2006.
Modeling Reactive Flows using Adaptive Chemistry. Northeastern University, February 2006.
Keynote lecture, Short term scheduling of Chemical Processes, ADCHEM (Advanced Control of Chemical Processes) Gramado, Brazil, 2006.
Li, Z., and M.G. Ierapetritou. Scheduling Under Uncertainty Using Parametric Programming. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 2006, paper 629d.
Portillo P, M. G. Ierapetritou, and F. Muzzio. Characterization and Modeling of Continuous Convective Powder Mixing Processes. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 2006, paper 597c.
Davis, E. and M.G. Ierapetritou. A New Approach for the Solution of Noisy Black-Box Models Involving Integer Variables. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 2006, paper 61b.
Guzikowski, S.A., M. G. Ierapetritou, and C.M. Roth Metabolic and Genomic Analysis of Acetaminophen Metabolism. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 2006, paper 124f
Yang, H., C.M. Roth, and M.G. Ierapetritou. Insights into Hepatic Metabolism from Flux Balance and Pathway Analyses. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 2006, paper 683d.
Sharma, N., M.G. Ierapetritou, R. Schloss, M.L. Yarmush. Quantitative Modeling of Metabolically Mature Na-butyrate Induced Hepatocyte-Like Cells from Embryonic Stem cells. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 2006, paper 612b.
Guzikowski, S.A., S.E. Tischfield, M.G. Ierapetritou, and C.M. Roth Metabolic and Genomic Analysis of Acetaminophen Metabolism and Induced-Hepatotoxicity. Paper # BIOT 119, ACS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Sep. 2006.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Process Design and Operations: Modeling and Optimization. 12th Symposium in Chemical Engineering, Puerto Rico, October 2005.
Uncertainty issues in process design and operations. Texas A&M, November 2005.
Combustion modeling including detailed adaptive chemistry. Lab for Surface Modification, Physics Departments, Rutgers University, 2005.
Uncertainty analysis for process design and operations. Pan American Advanced Studies Institute Program on Process Systems Engineering (PASI), Iguassu Falls, Brazil, August 2005.
Jia, Z., and M.G. Ierapetritou. Generate Pareto Optimal Solutions for Scheduling Problems under Uncertainty Using Normal Boundary Intersection Technique. AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Nov 2005, paper 496a.
Wu, D., and M.G. Ierapetritou. Hierarchical Approach for Production Planning and Scheduling under Uncertainty. AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Nov 2005, paper 582d.
Banerjee, I., M.G. Ierapetritou, I. P. Androulakis, and T. P. Huynh. A New Adaptive Representation of Complex Kinetic Models. AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Nov 2005, paper 568a.
Jia, Z., and M.G. Ierapetritou. Uncertainty Analysis of MILP Problems. AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Nov 2005, paper 12b.
Davis, E. and M.G. Ierapetritou. Adaptive Optimization of Noisy Black-Box Functions Inherent in Microscopic Models. AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Nov 2005, paper 570g.
Portillo P, F. Muzzio, and M. G. Ierapetritou. Modeling Granular Mixing Processes Utilizing a Hybrid DEM-Compartment Modeling Approach. AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Nov 2005, paper 364d.
Ierapetritou, M.G., N. Sharma, H. Yang, S. A. Guzikowski, M. L. Yarmush, and C. M. Roth. Optimization and Control of Metabolic Activities in Hepatocytes. AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Nov 2005, paper 246f.
Tischfield, S.E., C. M. Roth, M.G. Ierapetritou, and S. Guzikowski. A Bioinformatics Approach to Modeling Cytochrome P450 Gene Regulation in Hepatocytes. AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Nov 2005, paper 93s.
Sharma, N. H. Yang, C.M. Roth, M. L. Yarmush, and M.G. Ierapetritou. Optimal Metabolic Control of Hepatocyte Function. Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE) 2005 Santa Barbara, CA, August 2005.
Goyal, V. and M. G. Ierapetritou. Stochastic MINLP Optimization Goyal, V. and M. G. Ierapetritou. Stochastic MINLP Optimization using Simplicial Approximation. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) 15, Barcelona, Spain, May 2005.
Banerjee, I. and M.G. Ierapetritou. A Novel Feasibility Analysis Approach Based on Dimensionality Reduction and Shape Reconstruction. ESCAPE 15, Barcelona, Spain, May 2005.
Banerjee, I. and M.G. Ierapetritou. An Adaptive Reduction Scheme to Develop Flexible Reduced Chemistry Models for Reactive Flow Simulations. ESCAPE 15, Barcelona, Spain, May 2005.
Davis, E. and M.G. Ierapetritou. Adaptive Optimization of Noisy Black-Box Functions Inherent In Microscopic Models. ESCAPE 15, Barcelona, Spain, May 2005.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Adaptive Kinetic Model Reduction Framework Considering Micromixing Effects. Imperial College, London, UK, May 2004.
Women in Engineering: The Myth and Reality. Society of Women Engineers, Rutgers University, April 2004.
Development of an Adaptive Chemistry Model for Reactive Flow Simulations. University of Rhode Island, March 2004.
Process Operations in Dynamic Environment. University of Kansas, February 2004.
Process Synthesis and Design within a Dynamic Environment. University of Southern California, February 2004.
Banerjee, I. and M.G. Ierapetritou. Feasibility evaluation of nonconvex systems using shape reconstruction techniques. AIChE Annual Meeting, Austin, Nov 2004.
Banerjee, I. and M.G. Ierapetritou. CFD modeling of combustion systems using an adaptive chemistry scheme. AIChE Annual Meeting, Austin, Nov 2004.
Portillo P, M. G. Ierapetritou and F. Muzzio. Development of Control Strategies for Blending Operations in Pharmaceutical Processes. AIChE Annual Meeting, Austin, Nov 2004.
Sharma, N., M.G. Ierapetritou, and M.L. Yarmush. Novel Quantitative Tools for Engineering Analysis of Hepatocyte Cultures used in Bioartificial Liver System. AIChE Annual Meeting, Austin, Nov 2004.
Sharma, N., A. Bindal, M. Benson, M.G. Ierapetritou, and J. Khinast. Dynamics and Stability Analysis of a Mixed Micro-organism environment in which a bacteria degrades a Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon contaminant. AIChE Annual Meeting, Austin, Nov 2004.
Jia, Z., and M.G. Ierapetritou. Scheduling Under Uncertainty Using MILP Sensitivity Analysis. MPO006, ESCAPE 14, Lisbon, 2004.
Jia, Z. and M.G. Ierapetritou. Incorporation of Flexibility in Scheduling Decision-Making. PSE, China, January 2004.
Goyal, V. and M.G. Ierapetritou. Stochastic Framework For Flexible Module Manufacturing. SPIp010, ESCAPE 14, Lisbon, May 2004.
Sharma, N., M.G. Ierapetritou and M.L. Yarmush. Novel Quantitative Tools for Engineering Analysis of Hepatocyte Cultures used in Bioartificial Liver Systems. NCp015, ESCAPE 14, Lisbon, May 2004.
Jia, Z. and M.G. Ierapetritou. Scheduling with Parameter Uncertainty Based on Sensitivity Analysis. ESCAPE 14, Lisbon, May 2004.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Design of Flexible Module-Based manufacturing. New Jersey Institute of Technology, October 2003.
Modeling and Optimization of Process Design and Operations. ExxonMobil, Houston, August 2003.
Product Portfolio and Capacity Planning Under Uncertainty. Purdue University, February 2003.
Product and Process Design Optimization under Uncertainty. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada, March 2003.
Jia, Z. and M.G. Ierapetritou. Short-term Scheduling Under Uncertainty Using MILP Sensitivity Analysis. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 2003.
Wu D., and M.G. Ierapetritou. Hierarchical Approach for Production Planning and Scheduling Under Uncertainty Using Continuous-Time Formulation. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 2003.
Banerjee, I. and M.G. Ierapetritou. A Framework for Coupling Adaptively Reduced Chemistry with Detailed Flow Field Models. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 2003.
Goyal, V., and M.G. Ierapetritou. Effective Convex Hull Approximation Approach for MINLP Optimization. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 2003.
Ierapetritou M.G., and V. Goyal. Design of Flexible Module Manufacturing. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 2003.
Ierapetritou, M.G., S. Balakrishnan, A. Makeev, I. Kevrekedis and A. Armaou. Coarse Computational Optimization Using Time-steppers. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 2003.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Optimization of Process Design and Operations Including Uncertainty. ABB July 2002.
Uncertainty Quantification and its Uses. Brooklyn Polytechnic, April 2002.
Efficient Scheduling of Refinery Operations. Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions, Toronto, Canada, July 2002.
Jia, Z. and M.G. Ierapetritou. Efficient Spatial Decomposition and Scheduling of Refinery Operations Based on Continuous Time Formulation. AIChE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Nov 2002.
Androulakis, I.P. J.M. Grenda, J.W. Bozzelli, and M.G. Ierapetritou. Uncertainty Propagation Analyses of Chemically Activated Reaction Pathways in Gas Phase Compbustion Systems. AIChE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Nov 2002.
Ierapetritou M.G., and V. Goyal. Process Synthesis Optimization Based on Market Data Analysis. AIChE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Nov 2002.
Banerjee, I. and M.G. Ierapetritou. Adaptive Kinetic Model Reduction Considering Micromixing Effects. AIChE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Nov 2002.
Banerjee, I. and M.G. Ierapetritou. Design Optimization under Parameter Uncertainty for General Black Box Models. AIChE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Nov 2002.
Ierapetritou M.G., and V. Goyal. A Novel Framework for Evaluating the Feasibility/Operability of General Non-Convex Processes. Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Nov 2002.
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
Developing Efficient Approaches to Quantify and Manage Uncertainty in Process Operations. City College of New York, October 2001.
Decomposition Approaches for the Efficient Solution of Short-Term Scheduling Problem. 2nd Pan American Workshop on Process Systems Engineering, Brazil Sep 19-21, 2001.
Plenary Speaker, Short-term Scheduling under Uncertainty: Issues and Answers, ENPROMER 2001, 3rd Mercosur Congress on Process Systems Engineering, Argentina, September 16-20, 2001.
Developing Efficient Approaches to Quantify and Manage Uncertainty in Process Operations, University of Iceland, May 2001.
Ierapetritou M.G., and V. Goyal, A Simpicial Approximation Approach to Quantify Process Feasibility. AIChE Annual Meeting, Reno, Nov 2001.
Wu D., and M.G. Ierapetritou, Using Decomposition Techniques to Solve Short-Term Scheduling Problem. AIChE Annual Meeting, Reno, Nov 2001.
Balakrishnan S., J. Benarjee and M.G. Ierapetritou, Coping with Uncertainty in the Description of Complex Kinetic Mechanisms. AIChE Annual Meeting, Reno, Nov 2001.
Ierapetritou M.G., An Efficient Approach to Quantify Process Feasibility based on Convex Hull Evaluation, ESCAPE11, Denmark, May 2001.
Hauksdottir A.S., and M.G. Ierapetritou, Simultaneous Decoupling and Pole Placement without Cancelling Invariant Zeros 2001 American Control Conference, April 2001.
1993 - 2000
Invited Presentations - Keynote and Plenary Lectures
“NSF Young Faculty Panel Discussion”. AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, 2000.
Women in Academia the myth and the reality. Panel Discussion. Princeton University, April 2000.
Process Operations in an Uncertain Environment. Rutgers Center of Operations Research (RUTCOR), March 2000.
Parameter Variability in Plant Design and Synthesis. BOC Gases Technical Group, October 1998.
Process Design and Operations: Uncertainty and Scheduling. Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Melon University, April 1998.
Uncertainty in Process Systems Engineering. Department of Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University, April 1997.
Uncertainty in Process Design and Operations. Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, June 1997.
Process Design and Operations: Uncertainty and Scheduling. Department of Chemical Engineering, Berkeley, CA, April 1997.
Ierapetritou M.G., A. Sirdeshpande and I.P. Androulakis, Incorporation of Uncertainty into Complex Kinetic Mechanisms. AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, Nov 2000.
Ierapetritou M.G., A New Approach for Quantifying Process Feasibility. AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, Nov 2000.
Ierapetritou M.G., J. G. Khinast and A. Bindal. A Novel Domain Decomposition Approach for Complex Multiscale Dynamic Systems. AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, Nov 2000.
Ierapetritou M.G., J. Vin. A Systematic Approach to Improve Scheduling Performance under Uncertainty. AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, Nov 2000.
Ierapetritou M.G., A. Sirdeshpande and I.P. Androulakis. Kinetic Model Reduction Considering System Variability. AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, Nov 2000.
Ierapetritou M.G., A. Sirdeshpande and I.P. Androulakis, Incorporation of Uncertainty into Complex Kinetic Mechanisms. AIChE Annual Meeting, Dallas, Nov 1999.
Floudas C.A, M.G. Ierapetritou and Z.H. Gumus, Global Optimization in Design under Uncertainty: Feasibility Test and Flexibility Index Problems. AIChE Annual Meeting, Dallas, Nov. 1999.
Hauksdottir A.S. and M.G. Ierapetritou, Simultaneous Decoupling and Pole Placement without Cancelling Invariant Zeros. AIChE Annual Meeting, Dallas, Nov. 1999.
Ierapetritou M.G., Reactive Scheduling under Uncertainty Considerations for Multiproduct Batch Plants. AIChE Annual Meeting, Dallas, Nov. 1999.
Switzer C.A., I.Massry, D.H.Berler, M.G.Ierapetritou and D.Kosson, Field Application of a Multi-Pore Regime Mass Transport Model to Evaluate Soil-Vapor Extraction and Air Sparging Remediation of Trichloroethylene Contamination. AIChE Annual Meeting, Dallas, Nov. 1999.
Ierapetritou, M.G, and I.P. Androulakis, Uncertainty Considerations in the Reduction of Chemical Reaction Mechanisms FOCAPD, Colorado, July 1999.
Ierapetritou, M.G, T. S. Hene, and C.A. Floudas, Continuous-Time Formulation for ShortTerm Scheduling with Multiple Intermediate Due Dates ESCAPE 9, Budabest, May 1999.
Ierapetritou, M.G, and C.A. Floudas, Effective Continuous-Time Formulation for ShortTerm Scheduling: Multiple Intermediate Due Dates AIChE Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, Nov 1998.
Ierapetritou, M.G, C.A. Floudas, S. Vansantharajan and A.S. Gullick, A Decomposition Based Approach for Optimal Location of Vertical Wells AIChE Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, Nov 1998.
Ierapetritou, M.G, and C.A. Floudas, Short-Term Scheduling: New Mathematical Models vs Algorithmic Improvements ESCAPE8 conference, Bruge, May 1998.
Ierapetritou M.G. and C.A. Floudas, Effective Continuous-Time Formulation for ShortTerm Scheduling: Multipurpose Batch Processes AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles November 1997.
Androulakis I.P., M. G. Ierapetritou, N. N. Nayak, D.S. Monos and C.A. Floudas A Predictive Method for the Evaluation of Peptide Binding in Pocket 1 of HLA-DRB1 via Global Minimization of Energy Interactions AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles November 1997.
Klepeis J.L., I.P. Androulakis, M.G. Ierapetritou and C.A. Floudas Predicting Solvated Peptide Conformations via Global Minimization AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles November 1997.
Epperly T., M.G. Ierapetritou and E.N. Pistikopoulos, On the global and efficient solution of stochastic batch plant design problems AIChE Annual Meeting, Chicago November 1996.
Ierapetritou M.G., J. Acevedo and E.N. Pistikopoulos, Stochastic Optimization of Manufacturing Systems Under Uncertainty AIChE Annual Meeting, Chicago November 1996.
Pistikopoulos, E.M, T.V. Thomaidis, M. G. Ierapetritou and A. Melin, Flexibility, Reliability and Maintenance considerations in Batch Plant Design ESCAPE6, Rhodes, May 1996.
Ierapetritou, M.G. and E.N. Pistikopoulos, Design of Multiproduct Batch Plants with Uncertain Demands. ESCAPE5, Bled, June 1995.
Visweswaran V., Floudas C.A., Ierapetritou, M.G. and Pistikopoulos E.N., A Decomposition Based Global Optimization Approach for Bi-Level Convex Programming Problems Global Optimization: Computational methods and Applications, Princeton University, April 1995.
Ierapetritou, M.G. and E. N. Pistikopoulos, Design of Multiproduct Batch Plants under Uncertainty: A Global Optimization Approach. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco November 1994.
Ierapetritou, M.G. and E. N. Pistikopoulos, An Optimization Approach for Process Engineering Problems under Uncertainty. PSE4, Korea, May 1994.
Pistikopoulos, E.N. and M. G. Ierapetritou, Optimization of Production and Capacity Planning under Uncertainty. TIMS/ORSA, Boston, April 1994 (Chairman of the Session ``Models for Production Capacity Planning'').
Ierapetritou, M.G. and E. N. Pistikopoulos, Long Range Planning under Uncertainty. ESCAPE4, Dublin, March 1994.
Ierapetritou, M.G. and E. N. Pistikopoulos, Production and Capacity Planning under Uncertainty. IChemE94 London, January 1994.
Ierapetritou, M.G., E.N. Pistikopoulos and C.A. Floudas, Operational Planning Under Uncertainty. ESCAPE3, Graz, June 1993.
Ierapetritou, M.G. and E. N. Pistikopoulos, Measuring Decision Flexibility and Economic Risk in Operational Planning. IFORS 93, Lisbon, July 1993.
Ierapetritou, M.G. and E. N. Pistikopoulos, Integration of Decision Flexibility and Economic Risk in Operational Planning. IChemE93 Birmingham, January 1993.